Sunday, October 5, 2008

The emergency room

I have been at the local emergency room more with Mike in the last 6 months than I have been with Chelsea in her whole almost 16 year life.

The first time was in February when he had chest pains after our trip to Seattle. Then it was in April when he fell down our stairs and dislocated his shoulder. And today it was because he sliced open his hand near his thumb. He ended up with 4 stitches and a tetanus shot. I think he wanted an excuse to stay in the house and watch football! :)

Today we picked up Chelsea's car. Here it is:

It is a 1999 Mazda 626. It has 86000 miles on it and appears to be in good condition. Chelsea is very happy with it, as she should be. The people we bought it from wanted $4400 for it and said it was worth $4500. I told the guy that since it needed new tires and since we didn't have a lot of money we could give him $3600 for it. And he said okay. It had been on the market for a couple of weeks and they had just bought a new van so they were probably glad to get it sold, especially with the economy the way it is.

I just finished up a 42 page paper and now need to print it out. I am so glad it is done, at least this part of it. It is actually a section of a much large paper, my Capstone, for my bachelors degree. I finished the first section, 36 pages, during last spring semester. I have two more sections this semester and then a much larger section which is due the first day of spring semester, in January. I am really glad I bought a laptop with my stimulus check, because now I can work at the large bar in my kitchen and spread out. Right now I have 8 reference books and several notebooks on the counter that I used for this paper. I probably need to get them put away before my neat freak husband goes crazy! :)

It's time to get dinner started so I am off to feed my hungry family!

1 comment:

Carol said...

So, I guess it has to make you wonder if Mike was really looking for a wife, or just an ambulance driver - ha! ha! I'm glad everything worked out well. At least for this injury he doesn't need to go to PT!