It's so cold today and yesterday it snowed! Our temperature changed by 40 degrees in one day!
Life around here has been crazy. I have had so many projects and papers to work on. I have two papers to finish (one is going to be about 30 pages long) and I have two final exams next week. I am going to take two classes this summer which will ease my load next semester for when I start my internship!!!!!!
I am so excited about my placement. It is with a private practice that does group and individual therapy. This is a rare placement for bachelor level students so I am so lucky. It is exactly what I wanted but never really hoped for because the list of possible agencies didn't include any private practices, only hospitals, homeless shelters, women's shelters, government agencies and adoption agencies. At my interview with the professor who actually does the placement he spent about an hour interviewing me and then asked if I'd be interested in considering a placement at a different agency and mentioned this practice. He said he thought I'd be a great fit with my military experience and said he'd contact the agency. I went for an interview the other day and it went great! The offices are very nice, as are the therapists. I'll have opportunities to do intakes and assessments, sit in on individual therapy sessions and help facilitate group therapy sessions. This practice recently acquired a state contract to provide education for substance abuse, parenting and other topics and I may actually get to lead some of those classes! I'll work 13-20 hours per week so I end up with 200 hrs per semester. Plus I'll have a full load at school. This means that I will have to quit both of my jobs. Oh well, I'm planning on a career, not just another job, so it really doesn't break my heart!
Mike fell the other day and dislocated his shoulder so we haven't had a chance to get all of his stuff out of storage. Hopefully by next weekend he'll feel better and we can really get settled.
My parents are coming sometime this week. I am so excited to see them! They've been down to Mexico for dental work and prescription purchasing. They will only stay one night but it will be nice to see them and to have them see our new home.
Chelsea continues to feel good with no dizzy episodes lately but we are still going to the cardiologist next month, just to be on the safe side.
It is getting close to the time when Eline will be leaving and it makes me sad to think she won't be here any more. We have all grown to love her and she is a big part of our family, and always will be. Funny how in November I was ready to send her home and now I don't want her to leave. But I know we'll see her in two years when we go to Europe to celebrate my graduation from graduate school and Chelsea's graduation from high school. So it's all good. She knows she will always have a home here in America and I know we'll always keep in touch.