Friday, May 15, 2009

It's Friday!

Although today is Friday that fact doesn't mean as much now that I am on break from school and my internship. I had planned on getting so much done during this break but so far have accomplished very little. Yesterday I just couldn't get motivated to do anything other than go to physical therapy. I really have a hard time focusing to get done what I know I need to do. I have ADHD but can't take the medications available because they make me so mean that a few months ago I thought Chelsea and Mike were going to kick me out of the house. I tried a different medication but it had the same effect. Sadly it worked really well at helping me focus. Oh well, I eventually get done things that are really important, even if it is with seconds to spare!

Last night I was telling Mike I was depressed about how little I have accomplished in the past two weeks. He told me not to worry about it, to take it easy and to schedule a spa day. What an amazing husband! All that after he worked all day and then worked in the yard for 3 hours! I just love that guy!

I did accomplish one thing this past week. I cut out this vinyl saying and got it on the wall. We are going to frame a bunch of photos and put them on the wall surrounding the saying.

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